Free Loaner Cars

For the convenience of our clients at Team Automotive in Sioux Falls, we offer FREE loaner cars when your vehicle's repair or service requires more than 2 hours.
Loaner vehicles are available to Team Automotive clients who call in advance and schedule a repair or service at our Sioux Falls auto repair shop.
Insurance regulations require drivers of our free loaners to be at least 21 years old.
The customer driving the vehicle must show a valid driver's license, credit/debit card, and proof of insurance before leaving Team Automotive with the loaner vehicle.
The Team Automotive Loaner Agreement stipulates that all drivers of the loaner vehicle are responsible for any and all charges incurred during the usage period, including tolls, traffic violations, penalties, and any damages to the vehicle, including tire and wheel damage, and any costs incurred by Team Automotive.
Upon notification that the repair or service is completed, drivers have up to 24 hours to return the loaner to Team Automotive. If the loaner is not returned within the 24-hour window, a daily usage fee of $90 per day will be charged to the credit card placed on file with Team Automotive.
Any body or other damage to the Team Automotive loaner while in the customer's possession is the sole responsibility of the customer. Customers are advised to contact their insurance company in case of damage or accident, as their insurance company is the primary carrier.
A $5 per gallon fee will be charged if the loaner car is not returned with the same level of fuel as when it was checked out.
A mileage limit of 125 miles per day is agreed upon when taking possession of the Team Automotive loaner vehicle. A fee of $0.55 per mile will be charged to customers who exceed the daily mileage allowance.
For health considerations, Team Automotive requires no smoking or pets in the loaner vehicle, as many of our Sioux Falls customers have allergies. A detail fee of $299.95 will be charged to the driver who smokes or transports pets in a loaner vehicle owned by Team Automotive.